Just like November's #GivingTuesday, #GivingTuesdayNow is not exclusively a fundraising day. It's an opportunity for people around the world -- including the Cure CMD community -- to stand together for the causes they believe in.
Especially now, we must stay connected! If you can donate today, we are grateful -- we have a $5,000 fundraising goal and would love to reach this milestone as we plan for the unknown this year. If you aren't able to donate today, you can still participate! Here's how:
#GivingTuesdayNow is also our launch for a two-week GEMs campaign (Giving Every Month) in honor of Cure CMD's 12th anniversary. Our goal is 50 new GEMs by May 19th! Sign up to be a Cure CMD GEM and get swag and special perks.
Share your support on social media. Change your username or graphic. Tag Cure CMD in your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram posts and we will re-share!
We are grateful for you, on this #GivingTuesdayNow and every day of the year.
Thank you for being an integral part of this community!
Donating by check? Donating Stock?
Cure CMD Please email us at
3217 East Carson Street # 306 donate@curecmd.org to receive
Lakewood, CA 90712 account transfer instructions.
Want to Host Your Own Online Fundraiser?
Join us in speaking the word about the work Cure CMD does to improve the lives of those living with CMD.
You can set up your own personal fundraising page in just a few minutes!
Visit our Giving Tuesday Now Campaign Page and click the Fundraise button.
Facebook Users! You can even share your fundraising page on Facebook, making it that much easier to connect with family and friends, and helping us ensure that your donors receive a proper acknowledgment. Author: Terry Selucky