Grant Policy
Protecting the rights and welfare of human research participants is a top priority of Cure CMD. We require that all institutions maintain appropriate policies and procedures for the protection of human subjects. In addition, Cure CMD encourages a research environment in which ethical and productive investigation is valued. If applicable, a copy of the informed consent form for any human subjects for the project as well as proof of current project approval by an Institutional Review Board (or a similar oversight committee) must be provided to Cure CMD before funding for a project will be released.
Similarly, all projects must conform to regulations for the safe and humane treatment of animals. Specifically, Cure CMD stipulates that animals may be used in funded research only when no other means of obtaining scientifically sound, valid, and useful results are available. Furthermore, only the minimum number of appropriate animals required to obtain and validate results should be used; and in cases requiring the death of an animal, only the most appropriate and humane form of animal sacrifice consistent with the purpose of the research shall be employed.
It is Cure CMD’s expectation that any results and accomplishments from research it has funded will be made public, preferably through a high quality, peer-reviewed journal article and preferably with open access, in order to maximize progress toward understanding treatments for CMD. Cure CMD also expects that products resulting from research funded by the organization will be made available to other researchers on a reasonable basis. Cure CMD considers a one year period of exclusivity for the creator laboratory to be reasonable. Furthermore, it is expected that such products will be made available to non-commercial laboratories at cost, and to commercial enterprises for a reasonable licensing fee.
Cure CMD will not challenge any decision concerning patent applications that might be made by a grantee for inventions resulting from work performed under a Cure CMD research grant. All inventions or discoveries made in whole or in part with funding from Cure CMD must be reported to Cure CMD at the earliest practical time. The grantee must also notify Cure CMD immediately of any decision to apply for a patent or other legal protection. This information will be kept confidential.
In any published report of research, funded in part or in whole by Cure CMD, the organization must be cited as a source of funds, and sent a copy of the publication.
Within 60 days following the end of the grant period, the principial investigator is required to submit a final written report on the research that resulted from the grant. This final report should include an updated Impact Statement and a Lay Summary of the results to be shared publicly with the CMD community.
A final detailed accounting of funds spent must be provided within 60 days following the end of the grant period. If the grant period is longer than one year, annual financial reports must also be filed on the grant commencement anniversary. At the end of the grant period, any unused funds must be returned to Cure CMD, unless a detailed request for a no-cost extension is provided and approved prior to the end of the grant period.
Any change in a budget category equal to or greater than 10% of the total research grant must be requested in writing by the principal investigator and approved by Cure CMD’s Board of Directors prior to being executed.
Cure CMD must be notified immediately following any change of either the principal investigator or the institution with which they are associated, or if the investigator will be absent from the institution for more than 30 days. Cure CMD reserves the right to subsequently request a written status report on the progress of the funded research project, as well as an accounting of funds spent, to determine the final dispensation of any funds remaining in either circumstance.
Cure CMD reserves the right to suspend or cancel a grant at any time, at its sole discretion, for failure to abide by Cure CMD research grant policies. Upon receiving notice of project suspension or cancellation, financial support for any further work on the project will cease. The principal investigator must then submit a project status report, and the institution must submit a complete accounting of funds expended to date. All unused funds must be returned to Cure CMD immediately.
A grantee may terminate a grant by sending notice in writing to Cure CMD, providing both a written accounting of funds expended to date and a project status report, and returning all unused funds to Cure CMD.
To properly evaluate applications, each proposal will be reviewed by members of Cure CMD’s Scientific Advisory Board who have not also submitted applications in a competing category. Outside reviewers will be utilized to supplement SAB peer review. The applicant may furnish Cure CMD with a list of 3 individuals who would be appropriate outside reviewers. These individuals must be qualified to review your application, have not worked with or for you during the prior three years, and have no conflict of interest. In addition, at the time of submission, the applicant may identify any potential reviewers whose review would constitute a conflict of interest.
Some information about research grants awarded by Cure CMD will be made available to its constituents and to the general public. This information will include the title of the project, the principal investigator, the grantee institution, the amount of the grant award, the impact statement, and the lay and technical abstracts provided as part of the grant application. No privileged or confidential information or trade secrets previously identified as such will be divulged.
The nature of this arrangement is a funding agreement; no employment or agency relationship is hereby created.
The principal investigator and grantee institution indemnify and hold harmless Cure CMD, its board, officers, employees, agents, advisors, and constituents from any claim, judgment, awarded damage, settlement, liability negligence, or malpractice arising from research or investigation in relation to a research grant funded by Cure CMD.