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Caden & Cody's Story

How has CMD had an impact on your life?

Outside of being siblings living with CMD, we are grateful living with this disease has brought us opportunities we would have never experienced and knowledge we would have never held without it. Although it comes with its day-to-day challenges, having a selfless support system makes all the difference in getting through this life. It has helped us build connections and meet people with the same disease. Since CMD lacks treatments & a cure, we are glad to witness the crucial research advancing for the future.

What do you wish people knew about CMD?

As brothers who both live with CMD, Cure CMD is a great resource for meeting like-minded people and preparing for the future, proving that it can be much more than just trying to get together to find a cure.

What advice would you give to fellow CMD Community Members?

Advice we would give is to join as many webinars as you can because you can learn so much that will help you navigate your future.

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